April is National Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and dentists are the first line of defense against this pervasive disease. So we’re going to post a series of short discussions about the facts, risks, diagnosis, and treatment of oral cancer throughout the month. Please ask questions in the comments, and don’t hesitate to contact the office with your concerns or to schedule a screening.
Out of about 37,000 American patients diagnosed with oral or pharyngeal cancer this year, over 8,000 will die. That’s a rate of about one person per hour, 24 hours a day, every single day. The five-year survival rate is only about 50% of those patients, a number that hasn’t changed in decades. More people die from oral cancer than many other, higher-profile cancers. How many of you know all about cervical, testicular, or skin cancer, and take precautions against them? How many cancers do you get screened for by your medical professionals each year? Now, how many of you have knowingly had a screening for oral cancer?
You might think the fatality rate is so high because oral cancer is particularly dangerous. But that’s not the case. The death rate is high because it’s often not discovered until late stage. By then, it has usually metastasized to somewhere else in the body, starting with the lymph nodes in the neck. The first tumor has also been given time to invade deeply, making treatment more difficult. Often, there’s no pain or other symptom you can easily recognize, and it also easily produces additional tumors, so recurrence happens frequently.
Don’t take chances with your life. Make an appointment with us today. We routinely screen for oral cancer, a quick and painless diagnostic that can give you peace of mind…or save your life.

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