La Canada Flintridge California Dental Office ~ General Dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry, Sedation Dentistry, Dental Implants, NTI Migraine, Waterlase, Cerec, Invisalign Invisible Braces, Dental Crowns & Bridges, Teeth Whitening. Visit our main web site at www.FlintridgeDentalStudio.com or our mobile site www.FlintridgeDentalStudio.mobi
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Chewing Ice - Dental Tip for Parents
My 12-year-old son likes to chew ice. Is this harmful?
Tooth enamel is very hard, but that doesn’t mean you can’t break it. Try to avoid eating “hard foods” such as popcorn. Don’t crack nut shells with your teeth or chew on ice. Opening packages with your teeth can also damage the enamel.
Flintridge Dental Studio in Flintridge La Canada CA provides a full range of dental care services! Visit our web site to learn more about our dental treatment services