Dental Braces - Invisalign Clear Dental Braces
I’m considering braces but isn’t it hard to keep your teeth clean while wearing braces?
It’s harder to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy if you wear braces. This means you must be even more of a fanatic about brushing and flossing, or two years later your teeth will be beautifully straight but loaded with cavities. Plaque can easily accumulate around the brackets, which can cause “white spots,” damage to the enamel, decay, and cavities.
Visit our main site to learn more about dental braces!

La Canada Flintridge California Dental Office ~ General Dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry, Sedation Dentistry, Dental Implants, NTI Migraine, Waterlase, Cerec, Invisalign Invisible Braces, Dental Crowns & Bridges, Teeth Whitening. Visit our main web site at or our mobile site