Do I really need to floss?
30% of all tooth surfaces cannot be reached with a brush. Therefore even if your brushing was 100% perfect you are only 66% complete. Another tip, Starting to floss even once a week from never flossing, is increasing your production 100%. Floss provides stimulation to the gum tissues, increasing oxygen flow to the area, and increasing regeneration of the tissues. Contact points between the teeth need to be cleaned with floss to reduce decay. Bacteria between the teeth will increase gingivitis and periodontal disease.
The softer the bristle the better.
Pressure from a hard brush or pressing too hard on the teeth can remove the fluoride rich layer of the teeth. You can etch, abrade or damage the enamel and root surfaces, weakening them. This can increase decay, sensitivity to cold and will cause recession of the gum line.
Above tips from:
Dental Office, Dentistry, Dental Care
Flintridge Dental Studio
4542 Rinetti Lane
La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011 USA
Dental Care Services in: La Canada Flintridge, Altadena
Pasadena, Glendale and Burbank areas of California

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