When Gingivitis is left untreated new types of bacteria can form. These new strains of bacteria are generally stronger (more virulent), there are higher numbers of concentration (more of them). The bacteria tend to migrate down the root of the tooth (beyond the gum-line), creating a periodontal pocket. This is what causes destruction of the bone and other soft tissues below the gum-line. This can occur localized (specific areas) or generalized (more than 50% of the teeth). Periodontal Disease is diagnosed by a Dentist, using radiographs and certain measurements from a Periodontal Assessment. Periodontal Disease causes permanent damage. The goal is to slow or arrest (stop) the disease.
Above tip from: dentalhygienecare.ca
Flintridge Dental Studio
4542 Rinetti Lane
La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011 USA
Dental Care Services in: La Canada Flintridge, Altadena
Pasadena, Glendale and Burbank areas of California

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